Chemical industry is a central branch of modern world economy. Its main purpose is to convert raw materials such as oil, coal, natural gas, ores, minerals, water, air into different products. The full list of industrial chemicals consists of thousands and thousands compounds. CHEMINDUSTRY.RU accumulate and present information about reagents, intermediates and other chemicals manufactured industrially both in large volumes and in small amounts.
Chemicals directory. One can find at this site a supplemental information concerning industrial chemicals:
Nomenclature and trivial names of compounds;
CAS registry numbers;
Physical characteristics of individual substances, e.g. melting and boiling points, density, refractive index, acidity and so on;
Solubility in water and organic solvents;
Main chemical properties;
Prepatation routes;
General applications.
The hierarchy of products built on the basis of chemical type of compound: organic or inorganic; organic products are divided into alcohols, carboxylic acids, olefins and so on. Thus, catechol one can find in section alcohols and phenols, vinyl chloride is placed both into olefins and chlorinated organic compounds. Any compound can be find using search utility by name fragment or CAS number.
Manufacturers catalogue contain data about chemical enterprises. Here one can find addresses, phone and fax numbers, characteristic of their activity, list of products. All manufacturers were categorized both geographically and by branch of activity (e.g. inorganic chemistry, basic organic synthesis, oil processing, polymers, nitrogen chemistry and so on).
The goal of CHEMINDUSTRY.RU project is to create a common and freely accessible database of industrial chemicals over the internet.
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